A Business Owner’s Guide to Long-Term Care Planning

Businesses generally are illiquid, which can create problems if a business owner requires care in a long-term care facility. LTC is ongoing care in a care facility, nursing home, or at home for those unable to perform a certain number of activities of daily living (ADL) without assistance.

High Net-Worth Individuals: Are You Missing Opportunities in Your Financial Planning?

High Net-Worth executives and those that have been self-employed, can experience common problems in their financial planning journey. Often, they have missed opportunities in their financial planning because they haven’t planned adequately for their retirement even though they make a high income.

The Facts of Life Insurance: Debunking 5 Common Life Insurance Myths

Having a solid life insurance policy in place is crucial for any adult who has assets, a business, or a steady income. While most adults know that having a life insurance policy is a vital piece in their financial puzzle, there are many life insurance myths out there that are still believed.

401(k) Rollovers Can Make or Break Retirement

In an era characterized by high job turnover, it is more important than ever for employees to carefully manage their retirement savings. With a significant portion of Americans withdrawing money from their 401(k)s when they change employers, understanding the value of 401(k) rollovers is essential to preserving a confident financial future.